Oct 13, 2009

“Sustain - ability”

"Sustainability” perhaps the most abused word over various time periods (Latin Sustineo), that can be applied to almost every facet of life from economy, environment to society.

In society, sustainable development is to utilize resources to answer human needs sufficient not only for present generations but also for future ones.
In environment, sustainability is when natural resources are used up slower than it can be replenished.

In economy, more precise in business, sustainability focuses on the proactive approach that ensures the continuity of the organization by optimizing its resources while not compromising profitability.

“All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain” Epictetus, a Greek Stoic philosopher

Furtherance of the above definitions, sustainability is a quite fascinating concept that touches every aspect of our human nature, our ambition, our beliefs and principles, emotions and our very existence.

As a matter of fact, we instill “sustainability” into our life planning as we grow. Indeed, almost all human beings are driven by the philosophy of “sustainability” to sustain their well being, progress, relationships and success.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning” Benjamin Franklin

To be able to succeed in business/ work one should be driven by vision, values and even a fundamental shift in thinking. In other words: Change and forward thinking!

But isn’t it the same values and thinking that sustain our human-unity as individuals and groups. Seriously, how many “inflexible” individuals ended up with frustration and cynicism?

As people take the journey towards sustainability in their personal, social or work life and as the ability to sustain what really matters to us in the various fields grows, the question poses:

What are you sustaining?

Aug 16, 2009

The Human Algorithm

Algorithm an interesting concept indeed!

By definition, algorithm is a sequence of step-by-step procedures that would lead to an end-state.
Algorithm was derived from that Latin word algoritmi which surprisingly was the translation of the famous astronomer and mathematician Al Kharizmi.

Nowadays, an algorithm is basically an instance of logic in software coding written by developers to reach the intended "target".

But in human behavior it is far beyond than just a step-by-step procedure, but rather a clear perspective on how everything is connected to everything. Therefore, Can we really speak of people with algorithm input in their lives?

Demographically speaking scientists tried to analyze the human movements in terms of immigration through a mathematical approach. If we were to talk about the global Diaspora we would always predict that at any given time human movements were the result of our ancestors will to unearth the “ new world”, well being, survival in addition to socio-cultural, political, economic and health reasons.

Human algorithm

We are all familiar with predications, assumptions and expectations- from expecting love, justice and respect- which most of the times lead more and more people to disappointments, frustration, insecurity and doubt in terms of human relations. Seriously, how many times have you expected, assumed and predicted and then failed because simply that’s the beauty of human mind, will and courage. In my experience, it is not out of disappointment but rather for the sake of privacy, right, space, diversity and selfishness.

Will scientist discover one day that humans have some type of algorithm in their DNA that would help future generations do more predicting, assuming and expecting through a synchronized sequence of logic that would lead to the “human end-state”

Can you “algorithm” humans?

Jul 23, 2009

The End Or The Beginning?

Iwo Jima 1945------------------------Berlin 1945-----------------------

What captures your eye the most: the soldiers, the ruins, the flag or the History?

Fact: July 21, 1969 Vision: Sep 12, 1962

Fact: 40 years ago, on July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong placed his foot on the surface of the moon. He then said "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind."

A moment of glory that we already know.

Before we realize the "factum" (latin fact) that can, at least in theory, be checked and either confirmed or denied, there was the vision or the desired end-point ... a vision to remind us why did we hold on in the 1st place...a vision of victory or failure... it reminds us of the need to carry on...

Sharing some of JFK's Rice Moon speech Sep. 12, 1962:
"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too"

What will your fact be?

ASK Out Loud!

Kick starting my personal blog to share the prospective and prespective of life as we experience it... the rest is yet to come...
Akram Karameh